日本人片A look at the life and work of Italian cinematographer, Carlo di Palma.
日本人片A look at the life and work of Italian cinematographer, Carlo di Palma.
回复 :位于福冈县的犬鸣村,是著名灵异地点之一。三吉彩花饰演精神科医生森 田奏,因为可以看到亡灵,令她痛苦不堪。一天,哥哥悠真和女朋友明菜 出于好奇,为了试试胆量,走到了犬鸣村。结果他们差点死掉,明菜因此 发疯,后来更自杀了。为了弄清真相,悠真带着几个朋友回到村里。最终 不仅悠真失踪了,他的朋友们在村子附近也离奇遇害。 这个村庄本应在水 坝建设后消失,隧道出口都封闭了。森田奏意识到父亲似乎知道背后的故 事。还有一个神秘人,仿佛可以解开谜团。而犬鸣村的诅咒才刚刚开始。
回复 :One of our favourite natural history subjects, the good old dinosaur, gets a makeover and then some in this fantastically ambitious and groundbreaking documentary. Based on cutting-edge palaeontology and the latest fossil records, DINOTASIA presents a series of vignettes about dinosaurs - both familiar faces and some we have only found out about in the past ten years. The film uses CGI to bring the stories to life, but draws on animation's birth in silent film and early Disney to create proper, traditional visual storytelling. Werner Herzog narrates, reuniting with the team behind GRIZZLY MAN and CAVE OF FORGOTTEN DREAMS.
回复 :一个叫雪霞的女人在古代被冤枉砍了头,含冤死去,后来变成厉鬼到了现代她想找害死他的人的后代报复,她根据斩她头的拿把刀找到了一个光头仔,后来大姑妈(惠英红)和大叔公(谷峰)合手来对付女鬼,女鬼不是他们的对手,最后答应被祖师爷(午马)收服后又逃出的狮王要求,嫁给他做魔王的妻子,最终祖师爷给他们符咒让小雄带上,并嘱咐要用阴阳童子尿对付女鬼,经过连番厮杀终于将狮王和女鬼收服。情节中有一段卖粽子的,她说我要一个,一连要了很多,那人回头一看没头,都把粽子塞脖子里了,然后那人被鬼咬死了,还有有酒鬼夜晚回家路上看到她梳头,起了色心,过去一看是鬼,也被吸血了........